What is the price of qxpCMS?

It's not for sale yet. We use it in our projects with partners and clients.

Where is the CMS hosted?

AWS: S3 and Lambda and other AWS services in any AWS location.
qxpCMS AWS services diagram

Can existing websites be migrated to qxpCMS?

There is no migration tool. However, we can migrate content and use parts of the code to rebuild a website in qxpCMS.

Is qxpCMS SEO and social media friendly?

Yes, qxpCMS is flexible and can be optimised for nearly any requirement.

Does qxpCMS need security updates to keep the live site safe?

No, the published site is only static code.

Is qxpCMS secure?

Yes, only static html is read only public accessible.

Is qxpCMS easy to use for editors?

Yes, the editor interface only shows the fields which are needed for a project.
qxpCMS backend

How does the backup work?

Raw content can be stored as JSON in an S3 bucket and downloaded from there.

What are the technologies used?

NodeJS, React, HTML, CSS, Javascript, GraphQL.